Brevard County’s
Oldest Injury Law Firm

Plaintiff while driving in traffic was rear-ended by Defendant, forcing her vehicle to strike the vehicle directly in front of her. Defendant was charged with careless driving. The Plaintiff is a diabetic. Following this accident, she complained of neck and back pain in addition to right knee pain. Ultimately, she had arthroscopic surgery performed on her knee as well as a bilateral carpal tunnel procedure. Plaintiff also developed State I Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) in her left hand following one of her surgeries. She was diagnosed as suffering from chronic pain syndrome and was referred to an outpatient pain clinic for multi-disciplinarian care. She never returned to work following this accident. Defendant’s experts attributed most of Plaintiff’s medical problems to her pre-existing diabetes and also opined that her carpal tunnel syndrome and RSD were not accident-related.

Nance Cacciatore secured a settlement of $330,000 for this deserving client.

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